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These are My Peeps - or How I Spent My Spring Break, Part 1

So Pat's employer graciously offered my sweet husband a one-week, NONPAID vacation in the form of a furlough. Since he had to take this "fur-cation / vaca-lough" before the end of the first quarter, we decided to coordinate it with my Arizona State University spring break (March 9-13). Depending on how you look at it, this week-long sojourn is either a sign of the times or a sign of the apocalypse.

SIGN OF THE TIMES: Unlike my classmates who have trotted off to exotic locales (Lake Havasu) for exotic beverages (Milwaukee's Best) and exotic endeavors (waking up in their own vomit on Dad's credit card), Pat and I have undertaken a few household chores that we'd been avoiding - cleaning out the office and doing yardwork (more on that later). Oh, and did I mention we gave up alcohol for Lent?

SIGN OF THE APOCALYPSE: Just because we're sober, doesn't mean we have to be serious, which is why I've also used this week to participate in a fun creative endeavor that I wouldn't have otherwise gotten around to. Behold, the Washington Post Peeps Diorama Contest, 2009.

Depict an historic or cultural event by using marshmallow Peeps (bunnies or chicks) as your medium. I was inspired by current affairs and chose to re-enact "Alaska Governor Sarah Palin Pardoning the Thanksgiving Turkey." You may have caught this on YouTube - where another turkey gets the axe in full view of the cameras. Here's my depiction from two angles - one as though you were watching it on MSNBPeeps...


And the other as if you were on scene with the governor, the TV crews and the decaPEEPtation.


Now, I can't win the contest because I am not a resident of the District of Columbia, but I hope to make the finals. Will let you know when voting commences so you can give a shout out to YOUR PEEPS (and vote early and often for me). I may actually have enough time before the weekend is done to crank out another PEEPtacular diorama, so stay tuned...