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I hate Bill Belichick

For once in my life, I can be succinct:

I hate Bill Belichick, coach of the New England Patriots - the one that dresses like a homeless person ON PURPOSE (hoodie sweatshirt, cut off at the sleeves). He's the one that blames the NFL after he was caught videotaping opponents and found by the NFL to be CHEATING. He's a dirty, rotten, arrogant bastard who clearly has a small man complex because he motivates himself and his team by pretending that everyone is out to get him and hates him.

Well, he's right on that second part. And so to be succinct, I have created the following simile:
Bill Belichick is ruining football the way that George W. Bush is ruining our country. As my husband says, "It's called economies of scale." Rot in hell, Bill Belichick. Go Colts!