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Friends, Arizonans, New Orleans Saints Fans: Lend me your cheers!

The Krewe of Helios-Arizona wants YOU to join us for our FIFTH annual Mardi Gras in the Desert Parade Extravaganza!

WHEN: Saturday, February 17, 2007
START: 4 PM, parade step off - and if you're not there, you'll miss it.
END: When Adam falls on the cactus - around 10 PM
WHERE: The Krewe of Helios-Arizona World Headquarters
24952 North 74th Place, Scottsdale
(corner of Happy Valley and 74th Place, two blocks east of Scottsdale Road)

If you've been with us for any of our 4 previous outings, you know the drill:

Arrive early. Grab adult beverage. Elbow your way into a good bead-catching position on the parade route. Drink adult beverage. Listen to Stacy's pre-parade holler. Refill adult beverage. Wait for parade floats to get into position on the cul de sac. Drink adult beverage. Covet Pat's very cool New Orleans Saints beads. Salute Mardi Gras Queen Michelle and King Scott Page as they take lap-after-historic lap around the cul de sac. Catch beads. Keep your clothes on. Finish adult beverage. Predict when floats will run out of beads so you can sprint to the front of the line for gumbo. Realize you're not the first to think of that bright idea and get in line for gumbo. Send reinforcements to refill adult beverage while you hold your spot in line. Keep standing in line for gumbo. Complain because we ran out of muffalettas. Marvel at how 125 people can fit in a three-bedroom, two-bath house. Eat your gumbo. Refill adult beverage to put out the flames in your mouth. Ask what the heck a "King Cake" is. Avoid choking on the plastic baby interred therein. Wash down king-cake flavor with adult beverage. Mock the late-comers who are scraping up the burnt dregs of red-beans-and-rice off the bottom of the pot. Refill adult beverage. Stand around outside visiting with folks you only see once a year. Drink adult beverage. Laugh as Adam falls in the cactus. Consider refilling adult beverage, then take another look at Adam and said cactus. Find a ride home. Wake up on Sunday. Take aspirin.

Laissez les bon temps roulez!
(Which is French for, 'let us know if you're coming')

Patrick and Stacy Bertinelli
Captains, Krewe of Helios-Arizona


Adam brings his own gumbo pot this year.

Can I ride my Harley in the parade?

(Duckin' and runnin' for cover!)

Hope to see alla y'all on the 17th.